As I've mentioned I like watching shows about our Universe, wish I would have gone into physics that's my one and only real educational regret. I was very good at math and loved science with a passion, still do.
My family was great and placed a high value on education, but it wasn't an educationally based family. I don't know what one is like but I think parents with higher education would instill a competitive nature in their children concerning education and teach them to structure that into their life, basic things that are key to education like the hours of study time it takes.
I never studied till I got to college, study what's that?
Oh well the point of this story is what happened to me about two weeks ago. It was very strange.
I have sleep apnea but haven't had an episode like what happened a few weeks ago, at least that's what I think happened.
Out of a dead sleep I heard a pop or a bang, it was like a long ways off it seemed like a transformer that blew but was further away and more powerful. Immediately the bizarre thought hit me this is the end of the Universe, everything.
That scared me, I opened my eyes and it was pitch black total nothingness. Scientists think that some invisible dark gravity has grown so powerful that one day it will simply tear all the molecules in the universe apart. What a hellish way for it all to end.
In not much more than an instant I wondered how would I know it was the end of the universe, I fought to open my eyes and look at the clock, I did and it was still pitch black. OK but I'm still thinking it can't be, breathe .... breathe ....
My throat was collapsed, I gasped then it opened and I heard that sound like someone gasping for air who narrowly escaped drowning. In that same moment I could see, the clock was on no transformer blew or the power would be out in my neighborhood.
Maybe one blew on a street nearby.
I am not sure what happened to me that night but I'm convinced that it gave me a glimpse of what the end of everything would be like.
One minute you are there, the next perhaps a pop maybe not even that, but if goes from everything to nothing, total darkness, no warning nothing, in an instant.
This wasn't a pleasant thing that's for sure but fortunately a strong feeling came over me, it was very comforting. The thought that hit me said it will probably happen that way but not in my life time.
So I went back to sleep in the near pitch black of my bed room.
Further thought as the days pass from the experience I will never understand, I did call a VA nurse to write a note to the doctor, she said she didn't know what to report! Too funny...
I am always thinking or perhaps hoping that we will survive, somehow. Its been a theory I've heard for a while now that highly developed civilizations will move away from Galactic chaos and live on the outskirts of Galaxies in safer more controllable environments.
I'd think they might want to be on the edge of our Universe if that's possible. But then again where does any society, any higher form of intelligence go after a very long term. Think of what we would become after a billion years? Without major setbacks to the progressions of the sciences and technology.
Where do they go, what do they become, after very long periods of time what would the driving force be? If they began to live for a very long time wouldn't boredom become a factor, oh they'd probably have the boredom gene wiped out.
I wish the human race well. Hope it continues, where it goes will be our legacy if we are fortunate enough to get that far.
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